The Forth Eu founded Project that Goldman Participated in as a partner was the « Cross-border authentication in European cloud platforms according to the eIDAS Regulation (EUROLogin)». The consortium consisted beyond our company from the University of Cyprus (UCY), Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), Leading Management Technology, S.L. (LMT), BILLIT BVBA (BILLIT), S.A.T.A. Applicazione Tecnologie Avanzate Srl (SATA) and Elcom Systems Limited (ELCOM).

The Project started on the 1st of October 2018 and has ended on the 31st of March 2021. The total budget for the Project was €800,000.


The scope was to integrate the eID DSI (Digital Service Infrastructure) into the systems of 3 EDI Providers and 1 public university  (Billit, SATA, ELCOM and the University of Cyprus). These 4 entities are now connected to 4 different eIDAS nodes (Belgium Cyprus, Italy and UK), making the following services available for cross-border authentication:

– BILLIT Electronic Document Authentication Service (BILLIT-EDAS), associated with the eDelivery solution and to BILLIT Peppol Access Point;

– the SATA Cloud Extraction service (SATA-CE);

– ELCOM PECOS eService (Procure-to-Pay software);

– Erasmus Students Identification service used by the University of Cyprus (to be implemented by Goldman).


As a result, these 3 EDI Providers and the Cypriot public university are able to request, receive and process the new set of identification data received from the eIDAS node under the eIDAS Regulation. All services are available for cross-border authentication in a production environment.

The Action promotes the uptake and use of the eID DSI and will facilitate access to the services provided by 4 public and private entities (Billit, SATA, ELCOM and the University of Cyprus) to all EU citizens and businesses using their national eID, and thus ensure cross-border mobility and support the Digital Single Market.